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Yeast infections during pregnancy and the effects on baby

Yeast infections during pregnancy and the effects on baby holisticher
After bacterial vaginal infections, yeast infections are the second most common cause of vaginal inflammation, and 75% of women will have at least one in their lifetime. Common symptoms can include redness, itching, or irritation on the external genital area (vulva), an increase in vaginal discharge, and a burning sensation during urination or intercourse.
In most cases, though, vaginal yeast infections and most treatment options pose minimal risk to a pregnancy. Here are the answers to 6 commonly asked questions. 

 Yeast infections during pregnancy and the effects on baby holisticher

How common are yeast infections during pregnancy?

Studies have found that 20%-30% of women develop a yeast infection during pregnancy. An increase in the hormone estrogen creates a more hospitable climate for yeast to colonize the vagina because it binds to the protein factor H on the surface of the cells that cause vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Can a yeast infection harm my pregnancy?

No. A yeast infection won’t affect your developing baby – that’s why we don’t treat yeast infections that don’t have symptoms. However, most symptomatic yeast infections get worse when left untreated. This means more itching, redness, and inflammation. If the skin becomes cracked or torn from repeated scratching, a skin infection can result. In rare cases, an untreated yeast infection can lead to fatigue, oral thrush, or digestive problems. 

Do yeast infections appear throughout pregnancy?

Yeast infections can occur any time, but they are most common during the second trimester. Talk with your doctor if you notice signs of a yeast infection while pregnant, even if you have had one before. Some more serious infections have similar symptoms, so your doctor will perform a simple fungal culture swap to check for the presence of yeast.

What treatment options are available?

Topical creams or vaginal suppositories are the recommended yeast infection treatment options during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Are yeast infection treatments safe while breastfeeding?

Yeast infections are less common among breastfeeding patients because estrogen levels drop dramatically in the postpartum period, making it hard for yeast to thrive. But if they occur, fluconazole may be taken by women who are breastfeeding as the levels secreted into breast milk are small.

It is possible for a breastfeeding mother and baby to pass thrush, a fungal infection that typically grows in the mouth and throat, back and forth between nipple and mouth. If that happens, both must be treated to stop the infection. Thrush is usually minor and is often caused by the same fungus – and treated with a 7- to 14-day course of the same antifungal medicines – as a yeast infection in the vagina.

What steps can reduce the risk of yeast infection?

  • During pregnancy and otherwise, take the following precautions:
  • Wipe front to back after using the toilet.
  • Avoid using scented tampons, pads, and pantyliners.
  • Change tampons, pads, and pantyliners often.
  • Avoid very hot baths and hot tubs.
  • Wear underwear with a cotton lining to promote airflow.
  • Do not douche, which removes healthy vaginal bacteria that prevent infection.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing.
  • Manage your blood sugar if you have diabetes or gestational diabetes.
  • Remove wet workout clothes and swimsuits as soon as possible after activities.

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